Soviet Avant-Garde Groups and Personas – A Picture Album

The following is a combination of some well-known with numerous rare photographs of the members of the Soviet avant-garde:

Aleksandr Rodchenko - Artist-Constructivist

El Lissitzky - Suprematist, Rationalist

UNOVIS - УНОВИС (1918-1921)

GINKhUK - ГИНХУК (1923-1926)



L. Komarova - Л. Комарова

VKhUTEMAS - БХУТЕМАС (class of 1922/1923)

Poster for VKhUTEIN (1929)

Aleksandra Ekster - Александра Экстер

Students of MIGI (1924)

Nikolai Ladovskii - Николай Ладовский

Students at VKhUTEMAS with Ladovskii

VKhUTEMAS Students with Ladovskii, Center (1922-1923)

VKhUTEMAS Students with Vladimir Krinskii

VKhUTEMAS Students with Vladimir Krinskii

VKhUTEMAS Students with Vladimir Krinskii

I. Lamtsov and others (1920s)

BKhUTEMAS Students (1925)

Students at BKhUTEMAS with Models (1927-1928)

VKhUTEMAS Students with Models (1927)

VKhUTEMAS Students 1927

Vladimir Krinskii - ASNOVA

Nikolai Dokuchaev - Николай Докучаев - ASNOVA

VKhUTEMAS Students with Nikolai Ladovskii (1929)

Aleksandr Vesnin - Александр Веснин - OSA

Le Corbusier with the Vesnins (1925)

Viktor Vesnin - Виктор Веснин - OSA

Leonid Vesnin - Леонид Веснин - OSA

Leonid Vesnin and Moisei Ginzburg with Students at VKhUTEMAS (1924)

Moisei Ginzburg - Моисей Гинзбург - OSA (1925)Â

Aleksei Gan, author of "Constructivism" (1922) and designer of OSA's Journal "SA"

First Conference of OSA (1928) - Ginzburg and the Vesnins at Center

E. Rosenfeld - Е. Росенфельд

Georg Barkhin - OSA (1927)

Project Group "Tekstil'strom" (1928)

Students at Aleksandr Vesnin's Studio at VKhUTEMAS (1927)

Ivan Leonidov - Иван Леонидов - OSA

Ivan Leonidov with the Vesnins (1929)

Ivan Leonidov with Students (1929)

Konstantin Mel'nikov/Константин Мельников

Aleksandr Nikolskii (1928)Â

Iakov Chernikhov - Яков Чернихов (1930)

Moisei Ginzburg with Students at VKhUTEIN (1929)Â

Nikolai Kolli, Le Corbusier, and others

Members of ASNOVA (1932)

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