Full-text PDFs of the Platypus Review

Reformatted for reading,
and not for printing

Image: Friedrich Engels and
the “hoax” of the platypus


Below are reformatted PDF versions of those issues of the Platypus Review that have appeared to date.  I make these available in this layout for ease of reading online, as the actual printed copies are made on a foldable broadsheet that does not conform to ordinary viewing from page to page.  It should be noted, then, that these texts are reformatted for reading, and are thus not intended for printing.  The versions intended to go to the printers can be found on http://archive.org.  My original reason for providing these reformatted versions is in case anyone was interested in citing from the individual pages as they appeared in print, something I have done quite a bit in my own writing.

Reviewing they body of work accumulated in the Platypus Review so far, I have to say that its output in terms of both quantity and quality of contributions, as well as in design, is far greater than I thought.  This comes as quite a surprise to me, considering I’ve been reading its issues for years now, and even served as an editor for several months.  Anyway, I suppose readers can decide for themselves.  Compiling them all here in one place makes for a nice retrospective, though, I think.

Platypus Review editorial statement of purpose

November 1st, 2007

Taking stock of the universe of positions and goals that constitutes leftist politics today, we are left with the disquieting suspicion that a deep commonality underlies the apparent variety: What exists today is built upon the desiccated remains of what was once possible.

In order to make sense of the present, we find it necessary to disentangle the vast accumulation of positions on the Left and to evaluate their saliency for the possible reconstitution of emancipatory politics in the present. Doing this implies a reconsideration of what is meant by the Left.

Our task begins from what we see as the general disenchantment with the present state of progressive politics. We feel that this disenchantment cannot be cast off by sheer will, by simply “carrying on the fight,” but must be addressed and itself made an object of critique. Thus we begin with what immediately confronts us.

The Platypus Review is motivated by its sense that the Left is disoriented. We seek to be a forum among a variety of tendencies and approaches on the Left—not out of a concern with inclusion for its own sake, but rather to provoke disagreement and to open shared goals as sites of contestation. In this way, the recriminations and accusations arising from political disputes of the past may be harnessed to the project of clarifying the object of leftist critique.

The Platypus Review hopes to create and sustain a space for interrogating and clarifying positions and orientations currently represented on the Left, a space in which questions may be raised and discussions pursued that would not otherwise take place. As long as submissions exhibit a genuine commitment to this project, all kinds of content will be considered for publication.


Sunit Singh, Spencer A. Leonard, Pam C. Nogales C., Soren Whited, Ben Blumberg, Ashleigh Campi, Tana Forrester, Marco Torres, Dakota Brown, Laurie Rojas, Greg Gabrellas, Michael Yong, Ian Morrison, Benjamin Shepard, Jeremy Cohan, Chris Cutrone, James Vaughn, Richard Rubin, Nathan L. Smith, Ryan Hardy, Gabriel Gaster, Ross Wolfe, Ashley Weger, Laura Schmidt, Zebulon York Dingley, Bret Schneider, Brian Worley, Emmelin Crespi, Jamie Keesling, Benjamin Koditschek, Edward Remus, Omair Hussain, Ninad Pandit, Jacob Cayia, Alexander Gonopolskiy.


Chris Cutrone, Marco Torres, Soren Whited, Danny Postel, Marisa Holmes, Joe Grim Feinberg, Laurie Rojas, Amanda Armstrong, Ian Morrisson, Ryan Hardy, Benjamin Blumberg, Pam C. Nogales C., Ernesto Laclau, Moishe Postone, Trevor Bark, Oketch Onyango, Michael Albert, Stephen Duncombe, Brian Holmes, David Sarrantonio, David M. Bholat, Greg Gabrellas, Zebulon York Dingley, S.J. Benjamin, Richard Kidd, Aay Preston-Myint, Jeremy Cohan, Michael Löwy, Andony Melathopoulos, Matthew Birkhold, Kevin Anderson, Nick Kreitman, Adam Turl, Raechel Tiffe, Ben Shepard, Liam Warfield, Rachel Haut, Retort (T.J. Clark), Mark Hopwood, Peter Hudis, Richard Kidd, James Heartfield, Richard Rubin, Spencer A. Leonard, David Harvey, Tuomas Nevanlinna, Sunit Singh, Pat Korte, Paul Street, Charles Post, Rohini Hensman, Chuck Hendricks, Aaron Hughes, James Thindwa, Abraham Mwaura, Ervand Abrahimian, Jorje Mujica, Elena Davis, Luis Brennan, Chris Mansour, Carlos J. Pereira Di Salvo, Ashley Weger, Bret Schneider, Jerzy Sobotta, Haseeb Ahmed, Atiya Khan, David Black, Max Elliot Katz (Ben Shepard), Tim Barker, Manan Ahmed, Uli vom Hagen, Joshua Howard, Kaveh Ehsani, Maziar Behrooz, Stefan Dietl, Omair Hussain, Hal Foster, Hussein Ibish, Joel Kovel, Leo Panitch, Mark Rudd, Jairus Banaji, Will Klatt, Aaron Petcoff, Vaughn A. Cartwright, Philip Longo, Initiative Sozialistisches Forum, Emmanuel J. Tellez, Noam Chomsky, Imre Szeman, Brian Worley, Max Elbaum, Osha Neumann, Tim Wohlforth, Alan Spector, Eric Stoner, Quinn Slobodian, J.M. Bernstein, Lydia Goehr, Gregg Horowitz, Gary Mucciaroni, Sherry Wolf, Kenyon Farrow, Robert Hullot-Kentor, Felix Baum, Susan Buck-Morss, Leon Trotsky, Mel Rothenberg, Paul le Blanc, Jason Wright, Sam Gindin, Alan Goodman, Timothy Hall, Lars T. Lih, Juliet Mitchell, Bryan Palmer, Mike Macnair, David Wilson, Tamas Krausz, Carl Davidson, David Adam, Tom Riley, Thodoris Velissaris, Michael Dawson, Slavoj Žižek, Ross Wolfe, David Graeber, Karl Kautsky, Clyde Young, Hannah Appel, Eric van Deventer, Brian Dominick, Nathan Schneider, Kevin Anderson, David Bush, David Haack, Grover Furr, Domenico Losurdo, Mary Jane Jacob, Robert Pippin, Walter Benn Michaels, Watson Ladd, Ben Lewis, Mary Gabriel, Valentin Badura, Cengiz Kulac, Moritz Roeger, August Thalheimer, Stephan Grigat, Henry Flynt, James Woudhuysen, Saul Newman, Hillel Ticktin.

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