Some thoughts in closing
FolÂlowÂing the apÂpearÂance of my beÂlated reÂport on “conÂferÂence comÂmunÂism” a couple days ago, I reÂceived a numÂber of apÂpreÂciÂatÂive comÂments, e-mails, and replies. It would seem I wasn’t alone in my rather low opinÂion of these conÂferÂences. A few of the people who sent me notes to this efÂfect caught me genuÂinely off guard; it alÂways feels vinÂdicÂatÂing to know that othÂers agree with you.
PreÂdictÂably, however, the reÂsponses that came in from the speakÂers who acÂtuÂally parÂtiÂcipÂated in the event, esÂpeÂcially those who had been singled out for criÂtiÂcism, were less than apÂpreÂciÂatÂive. Some seemed to take it all quite perÂsonÂally — and one of them, George CicÂcarÂiÂello-MaÂhÂer, went so far as to deÂfriend me on FaceÂbook. Was a bit surÂprised by it, to be honÂest; I’d alÂways thought he had pretty thick skin, othÂerÂwise. For the most part, I think, I’d reÂfrained from the ad homÂinem atÂtacks and manÂaged to keep my reÂmarks strictly ad rem. Maybe he felt that by atÂtackÂing his creÂdenÂtials to speak on a givÂen subÂject, I was thereby inÂdirÂectly atÂtackÂing his charÂacÂter. This was not my inÂtenÂtion.
Either way, it’s not like it matÂters. I’d anÂtiÂcipÂated it anyÂway. Just goes to show you can’t please everyÂone.
NorÂmally, I’d let sleepÂing dogs lie. But since CicÂcarÂiÂello-MaÂhÂer subÂsequently acÂcused me of misÂrepÂresÂentÂing the event (callÂing my reÂport “litÂerÂally fantÂastÂic”), and my own reÂacÂtion to it at the time, I think it might be good to set the reÂcord straight. He wrote in the comÂment thread atÂtached to the link I posÂted:
Oh wait, you forÂgot the part where you were mockÂing JordÂana [RosenÂberg] on FaceÂbook beÂfore her talk even starÂted. WhoopÂsie.
InÂdeed, durÂing the conÂferÂence I had made a single snide reÂmark based on the title of her paÂper — “The MoÂlecuÂlarÂizÂaÂtion of SexuÂalÂity: CapÂitÂalÂist AcÂcuÂmuÂlaÂtion and the OnÂtoÂloÂgicÂal Turn” — which I felt was horÂribly conÂvoÂluted and jarÂgonÂistÂic. Yet, as I went on to inÂdicÂate in my reÂport, her paÂper ended up beÂing one of the two presenÂted that I felt were really worthÂwhile.
This was why I wrote:
UnÂexÂpecÂtedly, the paÂper I exÂpecÂted to hate the most turned out to be much betÂter than I’d anÂtiÂcipÂated JordÂana RosenÂberg…had a couple things the othÂer panÂelÂists lacked: stage presÂence, and an unÂcanny sense of timÂing…Plus, it beÂcame clear in the course of her exÂposÂiÂtion that many of the terms inÂcluded in the title of her talk were preÂcisely those that she meant to criÂtiÂcize.
Out of curiÂosÂity, I checked back on what I’d said at the time. Asked how “the paÂper on sexuÂalÂity” went, I reÂsponÂded:
The paÂper on sexuÂalÂity was acÂtuÂally betÂter than I anÂtiÂcipÂated, though I (unÂderÂstandÂably) entered the talk with very low exÂpectÂaÂtions. The speakÂer had more chaÂrisma than the othÂers, whose perÂsonÂalÂitÂies are more the equiÂvalÂent of a dead moth.
[My reÂcapitÂuÂlaÂtion of RosenÂberg’s arÂguÂment:] It was an imÂmanÂent criÂtique of variÂous specÂuÂlatÂive/metaÂphysÂicÂal and onÂtoÂloÂgicÂal verÂsions of queer theÂory from the perÂspectÂive of a more MarxÂist-inÂflecÂted queer theÂory. Some of the jarÂgon was unÂavoidÂable, probÂably beÂcause the lanÂguage of the auÂthors she was criÂtiÂcizÂing was so opaque.
CicÂcarÂiÂello-MaÂhÂer was unÂimÂpressed by this exÂplanÂaÂtion, and thus sarÂcasticÂally reÂmarked:
Ah, makes total sense then. NevÂerÂmind. It makes perÂfect sense to mock the title of a paÂper beÂfore the auÂthor even opens her mouth. It also makes perÂfect sense to write a blog post about a same-day faceÂbook post that you misÂunÂderÂstood and were corÂrecÂted about. It all makes sense.
ReÂgardÂing the titles of variÂous acaÂdemÂic paÂpers, maybe othÂers are less preÂjuÂdiced than I am. For my part, I conÂfess that whenevÂer I see titles like “ConÂverÂsaÂtions with EnÂrique DusÂsel on Anti-Cartesian DeÂcoÂloÂniÂalÂity & PluriverÂsal TransÂmodÂernÂity” (just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?), my eyes glaze over. Should I withÂhold judgÂment? ProbÂably. But it’s hard not to fear the worst in such inÂstances. I’ve read far too much bullÂshit not be wary.
AnyÂway, to perÂhaps grant this whole medÂitÂaÂtion some sense of closÂure, I’ll just add a couple thoughts. If I’m a bit unÂfair to the “conÂferÂence comÂmunÂists” to rib them for their acaÂdemiÂcism, it’s likely beÂcause atÂtendÂing these events can be like holdÂing up a really unÂflatÂterÂing mirÂror on one’s own inÂtelÂlecÂtuÂal inÂterests and purÂsuits. NothÂing’s worse than that gnawÂing susÂpiÂcion: “What if this is how I sound whenevÂer I talk about x, y, or z? Hope someÂbody shoots me if I do.”
BeÂsides, once you atÂtend enough of these conÂferÂences and symÂpoÂsia you beÂgin to reÂcogÂnize all the irÂritÂatÂing buzzwords and tired habits of thought. At such events, you’re lucky if there’s even one perÂson who’s sayÂing something oriÂginÂal or inÂterÂestÂing. Yeah, they’ll all reÂasÂsure each othÂer after each talk about how “imÂportÂant” or “groundÂbreakÂing” they think each othÂer’s reÂsearch is. It’s a thorÂoughly exÂhaustÂing afÂfair. The old sayÂing is true: FaÂmiliÂarÂity breeds conÂtempt.
And it’s not like it’s the conÂferÂence comÂmunÂists’ fault that their atÂtempts to theÂorÂize (and someÂhow thereby reÂvive) comÂmunÂism for the 21st cenÂtury prove inÂadÂequate or fall short. There’s no “real moveÂment” abÂolÂishÂing the exÂistÂing state of things today. Or if there is, none that I can see. InÂcidÂentÂally, that’s why I enÂjoyed Jason Smith’s paÂper; at least he was lookÂing for a pulse out there in nasÂcent forms of struggle. JordÂana RosenÂberg’s esÂsay I thought provided a very smart criÂtique of theÂorÂetÂicÂal tendÂenÂcies that exÂtend well beyÂond the realm of sexuÂal politÂics and queer theÂory, as these are areas in which I’m hardly an exÂpert. SeeÂing it in writÂten form would be helpÂful also, as it all went rather fast.
I should add, also, that I think the conÂferÂence might have gone much betÂter if GavÂin WalkÂer had been able to atÂtend and deÂlivÂer his paÂper. Bruno BosÂteels’ subÂstiÂtuÂtion was a last minute deÂcision, from what I unÂderÂstand, and he came through pretty well. Even if I preÂferred the ParÂis ComÂmune as an obÂject of thought.
Alain BaÂdiÂou et al. might even be inÂadÂvertÂently right that comÂmunÂism is nothÂing more than an “idea” today. Lately, I’ve beÂgun to feel like it’s more like a beauÂtiÂful dream that someone once had, one which seemed at the time an imÂmanÂently and imÂminÂently apÂproachÂing realÂity. Since that time, however, the dream has all but disÂsipÂated. That’s where we stand. We can do no othÂer.
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Interestingly, this post was juxta-posed with this one in my feed:
The dream or idea may have dissipated but the material conditions remain, which is more important?
That’s a difficult question to answer. Probably the material conditions, since if these conditions were removed there’d be no chance of communism’s realization, even if all of humanity had some idea of what they’d want the world to look like. But the “subjective” factor of class consciousness is an absolute prerequisite as well.
Of course you are right and today class consciousness is sorely lacking, or slumbering under the surface. The word dream in your post ticked something off about Walter Benjamin and his Arcades Project. Leafing through Convolutes K and L, I wondered if there is not something there that is of relevance to your remark on dreams. Take just these two:
“The imminent awakening is poised, like the wooden horse of the Greeks, in the Troy of dreams.” [K2,4]
I have loads of work to do, so I cannot seem to find the time to study Benjamin properly at the moment, so this is no more than some loose thoughts. But it has always seemed to me that he was on the right track, to take a concrete historical case and go from there (the urphanomenen method). Also, if there is a degree of continuity in material conditions, there would be some continuity in dreams as well.
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