Chris Cutrone
The Last MarxÂist
A reÂsponse to Mike Macnair
Whatever one thinks of Chris Cutrone or PlatyÂpus, the orÂganÂizÂaÂtion’s conÂtroÂverÂsial rhetÂorÂic, methÂods, and antics, the folÂlowÂing is an exÂcelÂlent esÂsay and reÂsponse in the (still onÂgoÂing) exÂchange between PlatyÂpus and the CPÂGB. This was first presenÂted at the School of the Art InÂstiÂtute of ChicaÂgo, JanuÂary 11, 2014. A video reÂcordÂing is availÂable here, an auÂdio reÂcordÂing availÂable here.
Still readÂing Lukács? The role of “critÂicÂal theÂoryâ€
Why read Georg Lukács today? EsÂpeÂcially when his most famÂous work, HisÂtory and Class ConÂsciousÂness, is so clearly an exÂpresÂsion of its speÂcifÂic hisÂtorÂicÂal moÂment, the aborÂted world reÂvoluÂtion of 1917-19 in which he parÂtiÂcipÂated, atÂtemptÂing to folÂlow VladiÂmir LenÂin and Rosa LuxÂemÂburg. Are there “philoÂsophÂicÂal†lesÂsons to be learned or prinÂciples to be gleaned from Lukács’s work, or is there, rather, the danger, as the ComÂmunÂist Party of Great BriÂtain’s Mike Macnair has put it, of “theÂorÂetÂicÂal overkill,†styÂmieÂing of politÂicÂal posÂsibÂilÂitÂies, closÂing up the struggle for soÂcialÂism in tiny auÂthorÂitÂariÂan and politÂicÂally sterile sects founÂded on “theÂorÂetÂicÂal agreeÂment?â€
Mike Macnair’s artÂicle “The philoÂsophy trap†(2013) arÂgues about the isÂsue of the reÂlaÂtion between theÂory and pracÂtice in the hisÂtory of osÂtensÂible “LenÂinÂism,†takÂing isÂsue in parÂticÂuÂlar with Lukács’s books HisÂtory and Class ConÂsciousÂness (1923) and LenÂin (1924) as well as with Karl Korsch’s 1923 esÂsay “MarxÂism and philoÂsophy.†The isÂsue is what kind of theÂorÂetÂicÂal genÂerÂalÂizÂaÂtion of conÂsciousÂness could be deÂrived from the exÂperÂiÂence of BolshevÂism from 1903-21. I agree with Macnair that “philoÂsophÂicÂal†agreeÂment is not the propÂer basis for politÂicÂal agreeÂment, but this is not the same as sayÂing that politÂicÂal agreeÂment has no theÂorÂetÂicÂal imÂplicÂaÂtions. Rather, the isÂsue is whethÂer theÂorÂetÂicÂal “poÂsÂiÂtions†have neÂcesÂsary politÂicÂal imÂplicÂaÂtions. I think it is a truÂism to say that there is no sure theÂorÂetÂicÂal basis for efÂfectÂive politÂicÂal pracÂtice. But Macnair seems to be sayÂing nothÂing more than this. In subÂorÂdinÂatÂing theÂory to pracÂtice, Macnair loses sight of the poÂtenÂtial critÂicÂal role theÂory can play in politÂicÂal pracÂtice, speÂcificÂally the task of conÂsciousÂness of hisÂtory in the struggle for transÂformÂing soÂciÂety in an emanÂcipÂatÂory dirÂecÂtion.
A cerÂtain reÂlaÂtion of theÂory to pracÂtice is a matÂter speÂcifÂic to the modÂern era, and moreover a probÂlem speÂcifÂic to the era of capÂitÂalÂism, that is, after the InÂdusÂtriÂal ReÂvoluÂtion, the emerÂgence of the modÂern proÂletÂariÂanÂized workÂing class and its struggle for soÂcialÂism, and the crisis of bourÂgeois soÂcial reÂlaÂtions and thus of conÂsciousÂness of soÂciÂety this enÂtails. Continue reading