The MarxiÂan noÂtion of “real abÂstracÂtion” has garnered a great deal of atÂtenÂtion in leftÂist theÂorÂetÂicÂal circles of late, with someÂwhat mixed resÂults. It was first forÂmuÂlated and treated sysÂtemÂatÂicÂally by AlÂfred Sohn-RethÂel, an ecoÂnomÂist asÂsoÂciÂated with the FrankÂfurt School of soÂcial theÂory. Helmut Reichelt has poinÂted out, however, that the term was used priÂor in a couple inÂstances by the GerÂman soÂciÂoloÂgist Georg SimÂmel (Reichelt, “Marx’s CriÂtique of EcoÂnomÂic CatÂegorÂies,” pg. 4). NotÂably, SimÂmel’s usÂage ocÂcurs in conÂnecÂtion with the “abÂstract value” repÂresÂenÂted and measÂured by money, as that which conÂverts qualÂitÂatÂively inÂcomÂmenÂsurÂable items inÂto quantÂitÂatÂively comÂmenÂsurÂable comÂmodÂitÂies. He writes that “not only the study of the ecoÂnomy [ecoÂnomÂics] but the ecoÂnomy itÂself is conÂstiÂtuted by a real abÂstracÂtion from the comÂpreÂhensÂive realÂity of valuÂations” (SimÂmel, The PhiloÂsophy of Money, pg. 78).
With Sohn-RethÂel, the exÂposÂiÂtion of the concept is much more thorÂoughgoÂing. AcÂcordÂing to the definÂiÂtion he provides in InÂtelÂlecÂtuÂal and ManuÂal Labor (1970), “real abÂstracÂtion” refers solely to the soÂcial reÂlaÂtionÂship of comÂmodÂity exÂchange, or rather to their exÂchangeÂabÂilÂity as such. The exÂchange of comÂmodÂitÂies, and the abÂstract equiÂvalÂence on which it is based, does not simply take place withÂin the minds of those exÂchanÂging them. It ocÂcurs at the level of realÂity. Sohn-RethÂel asÂserts that “real abÂstracÂtion arises in exÂchange from the reÂcipÂrocÂal reÂlaÂtionÂship between two comÂmodÂity-ownÂers and it apÂplies only to this inÂterÂreÂlaÂtionÂship” (Sohn-RethÂel, InÂtelÂlecÂtuÂal and ManuÂal Labor, pg. 69).
Reichelt and othÂers have noted the imÂportÂance of the way this was framed by the critÂicÂal theÂorÂist Theodor AdÂorno, one of Sohn-RethÂel’s close friends and corÂresÂpondÂents. He reÂsponÂded to charges of an overly “abÂstract” conÂcepÂtuÂalÂizÂaÂtion of soÂciÂety by mainÂtainÂing that this abÂstractÂness was not inÂvenÂted by soÂciÂoloÂgists, but rather beÂlongs to the very conÂstiÂtuÂtion of soÂcial realÂity. AdÂorno exÂplained:
The abÂstracÂtion we are conÂcerned with is not one that first came inÂto beÂing in the head of a soÂciÂoloÂgicÂal theÂorÂetiÂcian who then offered the someÂwhat flimsy definÂiÂtion of soÂciÂety which states that everything relates to everything else. The abÂstracÂtion in quesÂtion here is really the speÂcifÂic form of the exÂchange proÂcess itÂself, the unÂderÂlyÂing soÂcial fact through which soÂcialÂizÂaÂtion first comes about. If you want to exÂchange two obÂjects and — as is imÂplied by the concept of exÂchange — if you want to exÂchange them in terms of equiÂvalÂents, and if neither party is to reÂceive more than the othÂer, then the parties must leave aside a cerÂtain asÂpect of the comÂmodÂitÂies… In deÂveloped soÂciÂetÂies… exÂchange takes place… through money as the equiÂvalÂent form. ClasÂsicÂal [bourÂgeois] politÂicÂal ecoÂnomy demonÂstrated, as did Marx in his turn, that the true unit which stands beÂhind money as the equiÂvalÂent form is the avÂerÂage neÂcesÂsary amount of soÂcial labor time, which is modÂiÂfied, of course, in keepÂing with the speÂcifÂic soÂcial reÂlaÂtionÂships govÂernÂing the exÂchange. In this exÂchange in terms of avÂerÂage soÂcial labor time the speÂcifÂic forms of the obÂjects to be exÂchanged are neÂcesÂsarÂily disÂregÂarded inÂstead, they are reÂduced to a uniÂverÂsal unit. The abÂstracÂtion, thereÂfore, lies not in the thought of the soÂciÂoloÂgist, but in soÂciÂety itÂself. (InÂtroÂducÂtion to SoÂciÂology, pgs. 31-32)
Real abÂstracÂtion does not refer to ideoÂloÂgies that arise on the basis of maÂterÂiÂal exÂchange of goods, or the labor proÂcess that alÂlows such exÂchange in the first place. Of course, Sohn-RethÂel is inÂterÂested in acÂcountÂing for “the conÂverÂsion of the real abÂstracÂtion of exÂchange inÂto the ideal abÂstracÂtion of conÂcepÂtuÂal thought” (Sohn-RethÂel, InÂtelÂlecÂtuÂal and ManuÂal Labor, pg. 68). But this “conÂcepÂtuÂal abÂstracÂtion” or “ideal abÂstracÂtion” is clearly deÂrivÂatÂive, a mirÂrorÂing of the abÂstracÂtion at work in realÂity itÂself at the level of ideas.
For exÂample, Sohn-RethÂel exÂplains the conÂcepts of modÂern natÂurÂal sciÂence as based upon ideal abÂstracÂtions of measÂurÂabÂilÂity and quanÂtiÂfiÂabÂilÂity apÂplied to nature, which themÂselves deÂrive rather from a soÂciÂety in which a premiÂum is already placed upon the measÂurÂabÂilÂity and quanÂtiÂfiÂabÂilÂity of labor. “While the conÂcepts of natÂurÂal sciÂence are thought abÂstracÂtions,” writes Sohn-RethÂel, “the ecoÂnomÂic concept of value is a real one” (Sohn-RethÂel, InÂtelÂlecÂtuÂal and ManuÂal Labor, pg. 20). Even then, however, not every soÂcial ideoÂlogy reÂflects this speÂcifÂic realÂity. NatÂurÂal sciÂence is cerÂtainly one of the spheres of thought that Sohn-RethÂel seeks to exÂplain with reÂcourse to the realÂity of abÂstracÂtion, conÂsidÂerÂing its funÂdaÂmentÂal conÂcepts to be idealÂizÂaÂtions of this realÂity. OthÂer ideoÂloÂgies cerÂtainly can be traced to soÂcial and maÂterÂiÂal conÂdiÂtions, but not neÂcesÂsarÂily to the conÂdiÂtion of real abÂstracÂtion.

AlÂberto ToÂscano, a MarxiÂan theÂorÂist and transÂlatÂor of BaÂdiÂou, ofÂfers exÂhaustÂive sumÂmary of promÂinÂent MarxÂist acÂcounts of abÂstracÂtion in his artÂicle “The Open Secret of Real AbÂstracÂtion.†ToÂscano reÂhearses these poÂsÂiÂtions with his usuÂal comÂpetÂence, but his aims reÂmain purely exÂegetÂicÂal. On the whole, he presents a fairly serÂviceÂable acÂcount. In his own theÂorÂetÂicÂal work, however, ToÂscano’s deÂployÂment of the concept of real abÂstracÂtion is rather curiÂous. He inÂvokes the concept in his study of FanÂatÂicism: On the Uses of an Idea, lookÂing to unÂderÂstand “reÂliÂgion [itÂself] as a real abÂstracÂtion†(ToÂscano, FanÂatÂicism, pg. 186). Clearly, if one is opÂerÂatÂing unÂder the definÂiÂtion of “real abÂstracÂtion” offered above, reÂliÂgion canÂnot be conÂsidered a real abÂstracÂtion since this refers only to exÂchange.SomeÂtimes ToÂscano comes a bit closer to the mark, as in his passing reÂmarks reÂgardÂing “Marx’s methÂodÂoÂloÂgicÂal reÂvoluÂtion, his forÂmuÂlaÂtion of a hisÂtorÂicÂal-maÂterÂiÂalÂist study of soÂcial, culÂturÂal, and intellectuÂal abÂstracÂtions [corÂrect] on the basis of the real abÂstracÂtions of the value-form, money, and abÂstract labor” (ToÂscano, FanÂatÂicism, pg. 190). Here the real abÂstracÂtion beÂlongs to exÂchange value, money, and abÂstract labor, and not to their ideal reÂflecÂtions in ideoÂlogy. But just a few pages priÂor, ToÂscano states that
WhethÂer we are dealÂing with money or with reÂliÂgion, the cruÂcial erÂror is to treat real abÂstracÂtions as mere “arÂbitÂrary products” of huÂman reÂflecÂtion. This was the kind of exÂplanÂaÂtion faÂvored by the eightÂeenth cenÂtury: in this way the EnÂlightÂenÂment enÂdeavored…to reÂmove the apÂpearÂance of strangeÂness from the mysÂterÂiÂous shapes asÂsumed by huÂman reÂlaÂtions whose oriÂgins they were unÂable to deÂcipher.” The strangeÂness of reÂliÂgion canÂnot be disÂpelled by ascribÂing it to clerÂicÂal conÂspirÂacies or psyÂchoÂloÂgicÂal deÂluÂsions, to be cured through mere pedÂagogy. (ToÂscano, FanÂatÂicism, pg. 184)
GoÂing from this, it apÂpears that ToÂscano groups reÂliÂgion toÂgethÂer with money as a form of “real abÂstracÂtion.” Money exÂpresses real abÂstracÂtion in a maÂterÂiÂal manÂner by measÂurÂing the value conÂtained in comÂmodÂitÂies, but reÂliÂgion does nothÂing reÂmotely of the sort. To be sure, ToÂscano is right to inÂsist that reÂliÂgion is not an “arÂbitÂrary product of huÂman reÂflecÂtion.” No ideoÂlogy is purely arÂbitÂrary and irÂraÂtionÂal, but is rather based in and raÂtionÂally exÂplicÂable through maÂterÂiÂal conÂdiÂtions. In othÂer words, the irÂraÂtionÂalÂity of reÂliÂgion is of an obÂjectÂive sort, rooted in maÂterÂiÂal conÂdiÂtions that canÂnot be exÂplained away as mere fantasy or suÂperÂstiÂtion, but which must inÂstead be reÂvoÂluÂtionÂized or maÂterÂiÂally rooted out. NevÂerÂtheÂless, this does not mean that the soÂciohisÂtorÂic basis on which an ideoÂlogy arises is neÂcesÂsarÂily that of real abÂstracÂtion.
This erÂror can be disÂpelled fairly simply, forÂtuÂnately. Since “real abÂstracÂtion” refers exÂclusÂively to the obÂjectÂive realÂity of comÂmodÂity exÂchange, one can only really speak of ideoÂloÂgicÂal reÂflecÂtions of real abÂstracÂtion wherever comÂmodÂity exÂchange has genÂerÂally taken hold. Ideal or conÂcepÂtuÂal abÂstracÂtions based on real abÂstracÂtion propÂerly exÂist only in soÂciÂetÂies domÂinÂated by the reÂlaÂtion of exÂchange. Most will agree that capÂitÂalÂism is a reÂlÂatÂively reÂcent pheÂnomenÂon, datÂing back only a few cenÂturÂies as a truly globÂal (or globÂalÂizÂing) mode of proÂducÂtion. ReÂliÂgion, by conÂtrast, has exÂisÂted for milÂlenÂnia, since the dawn of huÂman hisÂtory at least. How could reÂliÂgion be an idealÂizÂaÂtion of real abÂstracÂtion, much less a form of real abÂstracÂtion itÂself, in soÂciÂetÂies where comÂmodÂity exÂchange was not a perÂvasÂive realÂity? ToÂscano’s acÂcount of reÂliÂgion as a “real abÂstracÂtion” beÂcomes inÂcoÂherÂent as soon as one conÂcedes these facts.
PerÂhaps there is some much more exÂpansÂive noÂtion of “real abÂstracÂtion” deÂveloped by Finelli or the othÂer theÂorÂists ToÂscano leans on in FanÂatÂicism. But if Sohn-RethÂel’s conÂcepÂtion is the one he’s workÂing from, his arÂguÂment doesn’t really work.