New York University
November 26, 2012
Platypus Review 56
..Loren Goldner | David Harvey
Andrew Kliman | Paul Mattick
Last auÂtumn, chapters of the PlatyÂpus AfÂfilÂiÂated SoÂciÂety in New York, LonÂdon, and ChicaÂgo hosÂted simÂilÂar events on the theme of “RadÂicÂal InÂterÂpretÂaÂtions of the Present Crisis.†The speakÂers parÂtiÂcipÂatÂing in New York inÂcluded Loren GoldÂner, DavÂid HarÂvey, AnÂdrew KliÂman, and Paul MatÂtick. The tranÂscript of the event in LonÂdon apÂpeared in PlatyÂpus ReÂview 55 (April 2013). What folÂlows is an edÂited tranÂscript of the conÂverÂsaÂtion that PAS-NYC hosÂted on NovemÂber 14, 2012 at the New School.
PreÂlimÂinÂary reÂmarks
Loren GoldÂner: The title of my talk toÂnight is “FicÂtiÂtious CapÂitÂal and ConÂtracÂted SoÂcial ReÂproÂducÂtion.†It is imÂportÂant to note that as we conÂvene toÂnight, there are genÂerÂal strikes across the southÂern flank of Europe, the miners’ strikes in South Africa, and at least 50 strikes a day in China. While we conÂvene to talk about the crisis, there are people in moÂtion tryÂing to do something about it.
Marx writes in his Grundrisse, “CapÂitÂal itÂself is the movÂing conÂtraÂdicÂtion, [in] that it presses to reÂduce labor time to a minÂimÂum, while it posÂits labor time, on the othÂer side, as sole measÂure and source of wealth.â€[1] UnÂpackÂing that one senÂtence can get us very far in unÂderÂstandÂing the crisis and the hisÂtory of at least the last hunÂdred years.
CapÂitÂal can be broken down inÂto Marx’s catÂegorÂies: surÂplus value (s), variÂable capÂitÂal (v), and conÂstant capÂitÂal (c). WithÂin conÂstant capÂitÂal there is a breakÂdown inÂto (i) fixed capÂitÂal, which refers genÂerÂally to maÂchinery and tools, and (ii) cirÂcuÂlatÂing capÂitÂal, which refers to things such as raw maÂterÂiÂals.
With these catÂegorÂies I would like to adÂdress the quesÂtion of ficÂtiÂtious capÂitÂal, which I define as claims on the soÂcial wealth and soÂcial surÂplus that corÂresÂpond to no exÂistÂing soÂcial surÂplus. The oriÂgins of ficÂtiÂtious capÂitÂal are the adÂvanÂcing proÂductivÂity of labor in capÂitÂalÂism, which is an anÂarchÂic sysÂtem, one that is conÂstantly deÂvaluÂing the conÂstant capÂitÂal inÂvesÂted by the capÂitÂalÂist class. CapÂitÂal volumes 1 and 2 deÂscribe a pure capÂitÂalÂist sysÂtem, in which there are only two soÂcial classes: the wage-labor proÂletÂariÂat and the capÂitÂalÂist class or the bourÂgeoisÂie. OthÂer classes enter the picÂture, for inÂstance peasÂants, in the long hisÂtorÂicÂal chapter on acÂcuÂmuÂlaÂtion. But Marx is tryÂing to set up a pure modÂel and then move on to the more everyÂday apÂpearÂances of the sysÂtem. Continue reading